Join the Federation of Great Schools

Great Schools Trust membership and support options are designed to reflect the individuality, circumstance, identity and ethos of a school.

As opposed to a one size fits all ‘membership’ model, where the central services offer and charging policy is the same for every school in the trust, regardless of circumstance or need, Great Schools trust operates an innovative membership ‘options’ scheme which enables full immersion into the trust as a ‘Member Academy’  but offers a wider range of alternate ‘Federation’ options for maintained schools, SATs and small MATs who may not be initially committed to joining a trust as a full member straight away, and who would value time to ‘try before you join’.

5 Levels of Support

The trust’s Federation scheme has minimum entry requirements for each of the five levels, each of which reflect the level of support required, ranging from more light touch for outstanding schools to more intensive support packages for schools that require improvement and with more significant needs.

All Federation scheme options are offered as short (12 months) to medium term (24 months) arrangements. The ‘Educate’ level is specifically for newly established free schools who would benefit from the support services and expertise of a trust who have opened several free schools very successfully to date. At the end of the agreed term (or sooner as required) the school would have the opportunity to immerse fully into the trust as an equal member.

Federation Option



Entry Level




This federation option is for schools that are already judged to be ‘outstanding’. As an outstanding school you will want to play a key role in supporting other academies in the Trust and through our Behaviour Hub and EdTech support networks. Schools are likely to have strong school and subject/middle leaders and governors who are willing to support other academies at the local level. As a 'capacity giver' you can also receive income from the trust for providing school to school or cross trust support. 

Executive Support



This federation option is most suited for schools that are already performing well and are judged to be good’ and are moving towards ‘outstanding’. Schools may already be a converter academy or would like us to manage the conversion process. As a good school you will want to network with our outstanding providers whilst also play a key role in supporting other academies in the Trust or through our Behaviour Hub and EdTech support networks. Schools will have strong leaders and governors who are willing to learn from our outstanding schools to continue to improve. 

Executive & Education Support



This federation option is for schools likely to be judged as ‘requiring improvement’ or at risk of falling into RI at the next inspection. By joining the Trust at this federation level, schools will benefit from a high level of school improvement and central support both at school and governance level. We aim for all our supported schools to become self-supporting as quickly as possible and achieve good at next inspection.

Executive,  Education & School Improvement Support



For standalone academies (or a small MAT) in their first two years of opening as a new free school, by joining the Trust at this federation level, schools will benefit from a high level of start up expertise and strong track record of free school success, including school improvement and central support both at school and governance level.

Executive & Education Support



This is the minimum entry route for schools identified by Ofsted as Inadequate and by the Department for Education/Regional Director as requiring a sponsor. The trust will oversee the academy conversion process and ensure that the school receives all the necessary intensive support to improve rapidly. As soon as the school is out of special measures, we aim for all sponsored schools to be self-supporting as quickly as possible.

Executive, Education, School Improvement & Operational Support


If you would like to know more about the Federation of Great Schools support options, or are interested in having an informal chat about what joining our Trust would mean to you, please contact us:


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