My new role as Personal Development Officer at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes involves supporting students with their personal development through their school journey. This includes supporting them on character-building residentials, The Duke of Edinburgh award, and through the school’s Combined Cadet Force programme.
My professional background is in the public service sector, and I’m looking forward to taking on the challenges of this new position. I have recently completed a degree in Professional Policing from the University of Chester, with a focus on the public’s trust in our emergency services and policing by consent.
I am very keen to get started in my new role at the GST and encourage students to achieve their goals. I look forward to working with students across the trust, providing opportunities to all no matter their background, beliefs, religions, or experiences. This is an opportunity for me to use my knowledge and skills to support students with their goals, whilst learning along the way as well. I strive to support and encourage all students, equipping them with life skills to prepare them for the adventures they face when they leave school.