My professional background is in project management and data analysis – my key focus has been on promoting data driven decision making and process improvement. I have a BSc in Chemistry from University of Sheffield and also achieved a Research Degree (PgDip), Looking at nuclear waste disposal and storage.
I decided to join the Great Schools Trust after a current member of staff recommended the role to me – he suggested I would like to use my data skills in a sector that was more rewarding and made a real impact.
My role as Insight Manager involves managing a wide range of data across various systems across the trust, including everything from exam results to dinner money. My goal in this role is to focus on providing each member of staff within the trust with easy access to data so they can make data-led decisions. This will improve student outcomes, save staff time (especially teaching staff) and ultimately improve the trust as a whole.
I’m also really interested in looking at processes within the trust, especially how people input, use and interact with data. I believe there is huge potential for automation and simplification of processes that will save the trust time and money.